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1987 WA

ACRM WA Inc. was incorporated on 21st of September 1987.

The aim in the West was along a slightly different avenue to the rest of the ACRM groups in Australia. The concentraton for Emergency watch went into the Marine bands.

The first and second Marine bases were set up in Capel and Busselton around the same time as it became incoporated.

Our aim in the west is to provide willing and responsible operators whom are committed to our aim, they must also be able to handle any type of situation that may evolve in their line of operation.

They MUST ALSO HAVE an Operators Certificate of Proficiency.

In 2009 the ACRM membership (Monitors only) is very small 12 in total.

The Main Parent group has a strong support group known as the Social Support Group, totaling over the 700 mark, most of the members of the Support group come from the Boating community with a much smaller number from the UHF Repeater Group.

ACRM WA Inc is fully funded by it’s members and donations only. We are PROUD that they join our service for us to look after them when they are out on the water and to provide the best, reliable and quickest way of getting help in any form when they require it.

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